
The Camden R.S.L Community Memorial Walkway is designed to mirror Camden’s well recognised community commitment to developing and maintaining its historic “working country town” character.

The walkway meanders for about 5.3 kilometres through the Camden Bicentennial Equestrian Park, and includes 4 picnic areas, recreational precincts with views of the park and the surrounding rural and urban areas.

It then moves through the adjoining Camden Town via Onslow Park, Exeter St, Edward St, Argyle St, Hill St, Broughton St, John St, Memorial Park/ Civic Centre, Oxley St, the Showground and Cawdor Road for a further 2.8 kilometres, passing by a variety of historic, cultural and commercial precincts.

The walkway is 8.8 kilometres long (approximately 5 miles) as this is the distance from the beach front to the escarpment at Gallipoli. The Walkway starts and finishes at the Native Garden Memorial opposite the R.S.L Club off Cawdor Road, but the walkway is so designed that you can use all or part of it and enter at any point.

The memorial garden is used to stage commemorative services, i.e. Anzac Day, Remembrance Day etc and is a central point for educational activities.

You can support the walkway and provide a lasting memorial to a loved one by purchasing a tree to plant along the Camden R.S.L Community Memorial Walkway.

You can also support the Camden R.S.L Community Memorial Walkway by volunteering to assist in maintaining the gardens and picnic areas along the walkway. This is a great way to get involved in your community.

For more information about how you can support the Camden R.S.L Community Memorial Walkway, please contact the Camden RSL Sub Branch.